
采购专员(西门子家电) 职位描述:

Job Description:1. 负责公司市场促销物料的采购,包括:展厅制作、促销物料、促销活动、媒体宣传及办公室日常用品;
In charge of marketing material acquisitions; including showroom decorations, promotional material, promotional activities, media promotion and office supplies;
2. 了解各种材料的规格、质量、价格等市场行情;
Adequate knowledge of marketing trends on different material’s specifications, quality and price;
3. 了解采购对象,特别是展厅制作的材料、结构、工艺,并根据图纸进行成本分析;
Understand the purchases, especially the material, structure and process of the exhibition hall, and create cost analysis worksheets according to the floor plans;
4. 根据采购需求,完成各项采购的核价、比价工作,并合理分配供应商;
According to purchase requisitions, accomplish the price comparisons/confirmation, and determine supplier reasonably.
5. 在SAP中完成采购流程需要的各项步骤;
Accomplish all the purchasing processes in SAP;
6. 跟踪交货和付款等问题,并分析和汇报采购数据;
Track order’s delivery and payment, analyze and report purchasing data;
7. 开发、评估合适的供应商,对供应商进行资质审核;
Develop/evaluate suitable vendors and audit the qualification of vendors;
8. 与供应商进行价格谈判,签订框架合同。
Negotiate prices with vendors annually and frame contract preparation.

Job Requirements:

1. 大学本科或以上学历,3年相关工作经验;
Bachelor degree, 3 years related working experience;
2. 能看懂图纸,有CAD, CORELDRAW经验者优先;
A good knowledge of CAD and CORELDRAW is preferred;
3. 熟练掌握运用Excel、Word等办公软件;
A good knowledge of using office software, such as Excel, Word, etc;
4. 英文良好,能使用英文系统界面及英文书面沟通;
Proficient in English (read and write); ability to use programs in English and be able to communicate with written English.
5. 强烈的责任心和时间管理能力,能承受高压力多任务的工作;
Self motivated, target oriented, ability to work under pressure and excellent multitasker;
6. 良好的沟通协调能力及判断力。
Excellent communications skills and being a team player.

1. 八险一金(养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育、公积金、商业养老险、商业医疗险、商业意外险);
2. 每月工作餐补贴,交通补贴,通讯补贴;
3. 带薪年假,春节及国家法定节假日等福利;
4. 生日福利、定期体检、员工团队建设;
5. 年终奖:根据公司效益及个人表现发放。